Green goods, tips, news, and more

Desperately seeking green home advice

So my mother and I have been itching to have a new house built for a while now. Plans are still very much up in the air at the moment, but we can dream, right? We’re hoping to move into a smaller house and we already have the layout planned, hehe. I’m planning to introduce greener elements to my parents as well and I’m sure they’ll bite when I tell them how cost- and energy-efficient these options are.

  • Low-flow showerheads and toilets
  • Anti-termite wood
  • Insulation. The weather here is boiling most of the time and a cooler house would be great. I read that polystyrene is the material being used by a local real estate developer for insulation and I was apprehensive about it because the stuff is flammable. But apparently, it’s nothing to worry about if it’s enclosed by concrete. Would be nice if there’s a safer alternative, though.
  • I’m not sure if anyone can actually install green roofs here, but I’d really like to have more plants hanging around, especially near windows.
  • An insulating roof
  • I dream of having a rainwater cistern installed. Heck, to save more money, it seems better if I just stick a giant barrel of water outdoors, eh?

To be updated once I figure out more of the details.

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