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Hankering for a taste of adventure and to experience the great outdoors in other parts of the world? You should make ekoVenture your first stop. ekoVenture works with more than 450 tour operators around the world in order to help you plan your adventure/holiday. You also get to see people’s reviews of the different tour packages they’ve enjoyed, so call it something a like a travel/social networking site. It’s quite easy to get started; just type in the type of activities you’re looking to do in a certain location and–presto! results! I looked for “diving” in the Philippines and the site churned out quite a lot of results, the first of them involving an underwater digital photography course which had me utterly excited. I’d gone diving once and had a disposable camera with me, and getting to take pictures underwater was completely exciting and different. Definitely sounds like a course I might want to take someday if I ever get around to taking a diving course first.

So anyway, back to ekoVenture. Check out the site now and plan your adventure! The best part of it is they give 10% of their profits to the local community in your destination.