Green goods, tips, news, and more

I heart Human ♥ Nature (part 3)

After that interview, I practically went crazy over Human Nature’s products, buying lip balm, hand soap, hand gel, hair conditioner, lotion, and a hand and foot salve; I went back to their office two more times to purchase more products. As a result, I now have nearly zero interest in purchasing any other types of personal care products. I mean, green and completely affordable? That should intrigue absolutely anyone.

So far, I’ve used Human Nature’s Nourishing Mango Butter Conditioner (unscented), peppermint lip balm, and hand and foot salve. The conditioner’s a brilliant piece of work; it’s supposedly unscented, but I’ve found that it has a very faint and pleasant hint of coconut oil, which is one of its ingredients. The salve in particular smells extra delicious, distinctly banana-scented, and rubs on light, not greasy at in any way, and its moisturizing effects last for a long time, too. None of the products I’ve tried have any unusual dyes or chemicals, and I haven’t had an allergic reaction to them at all. In case you were wondering, by the way, product shelf life lasts up to one year after opening.

In the future, Human Nature may just expand to include other products like sunblock and toothpaste; Anna’s brother has even requested for an eco-friendly car cleaner or polish. Meeting Anna and learning that there are smaller companies in the Philippines who know that caring for the environment is good business, such as INDIGObaby and Messy Bessy made me sigh in relief, having found eco-friendly alternatives at last; you can’t imagine what a joy it is to have Philippine-made green products within easy reach. As Anna said, “At the end of the day, you have that sense of fulfillment knowing that you have done something good for yourself, for your child, and also for the environment.”

See part 1 and part 2 of the Human Nature series!