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Leave nothing but footprints with Green Silence

Not carbon footprints, by the way; just your own. Brooks’ new shoe, Green Silence, is totally green and anything but silent. Its yellow and red color combination (about which I’m kind of doubtful) shows that green fashion doesn’t have to be dull or full of earth colors, guaranteeing that the shoes will catch people’s eye and make them ask, “Where did you get those?” At which point you can start telling them more about this green running shoe.

And there are plenty of things to say about it. Various parts of the shoe are either biodegradable, recycled, or made from recycled materials. 75% of it is made from post-consumer recycled materials, with 50% of the heel being made out of recycled CDs. The shoe also makes use of water-based adhesives and soy-based inks.

Unfortunately, it looks like female runners who want to give this shoe a try will have to wait. It’s currently filed under “Men’s” on the Brooks website. Hopefully there will be different color combinations available soon.

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