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Save the Clean Air Act!

From Environment New York:

“Last May, President Obama decided to improve the nation’s gas mileage standards and require big cuts in tailpipe emissions of global warming pollution.

Now, with the EPA moving to finalize this new rule by April 1, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski wants to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.The government warns that her Dirty Air Act “would have serious, adverse consequences for the nation’s economy, its energy independence and security, and public health and welfare.”

The Senate could vote within days on her Dirty Air Act, which would, among other things, block EPA’s new clean car standards. Click the link below to make your voice heard and sign the petition.

The petition tells our senators:

Congress must defeat all attempts to block or freeze enforcement of Clean Air Act limits on global warming pollution.

We’ve been fighting to cut global warming pollution from cars for nearly a decade. In 2002, our colleagues in California helped pass the Clean Cars Program. Since then, our researchers, advocates and supporters have helped convince lawmakers here in New York to follow suit — as well as in Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

These victories helped set the stage for President Obama’s decision last May to extend the program across the entire nation. The end result will save twice as much oil as we import each year from the Persian Gulf — but not if Lisa Murkowski has her way.

As you know, victories are hard to come by in Washington these days. Please sign our petition and help secure a victory that will put us on the road to a new clean energy economy and cleaner, healthier air.”

Anna Aurilio
Environment New York Federal Legislative Director