Just in time for the opening of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1, we would like to draw attention to the works of real-life Dumbledore’s Army: the Harry Potter Alliance.The non-profit organization was founded 5 years ago by anything-but-slacker Andrew Slack. What would Dumbledore do? Why, he’d help eradicate poverty, illiteracy,genocide, social inequality, and global warming, of course!
The group recently launched its Deathly Hallows Campaign, a campaign to destroy real-life horcruxes from November 2010 until July 2011. According to thisarticle, the first Horcrux is Starvation Wages. “The HPA sent a letter to Time Warner inviting them to consider switching their Harry Potter chocolate merchandise to Fair Trade chocolate, thereby re-associating good labor and economic conditions with the Harry Potter name.”
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