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The weapon we have is Love

Just in time for the opening of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1, we would like to draw attention to the works of real-life Dumbledore’s Army: the Harry Potter Alliance.The non-profit organization was founded 5 years ago by anything-but-slacker Andrew Slack. What would Dumbledore do? Why, he’d help eradicate poverty, illiteracy,genocide, social inequality, and global warming, of course!

The group recently launched its Deathly Hallows Campaign, a campaign to destroy real-life horcruxes from November 2010 until July 2011. According to thisarticle, the first Horcrux is Starvation Wages. “The HPA sent a letter to Time Warner inviting them to consider switching their Harry Potter chocolate merchandise to Fair Trade chocolate, thereby re-associating good labor and economic conditions with the Harry Potter name.”

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