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The Situation teams up with The Green Garmento

I confess to an incredible fascination for Jersey Shore (because of this, if they were sitting beside me right now, my sisters would probably be inching away from me and pretending they don’t know me), which is why I know about the guido way of life: GTL, or Gym, Tan, and Laundry.

The show has propelled the cast to stardom, with Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino being one of the more popular cast members. Personally, while he’s not my favorite one in the show, I applaud his cooking skills and, now, his team-up with The Green Garmento, too. Of all products endorsed by the Jersey Shore cast members, this has to be the one I approve of most of all. To green up the L part of GTL and eliminating the use of plastic bags, the Situation GTL Green Garmento can be used in three ways: as a hamper bag for your clothes, as a duffel bag for carrying them to the laundromat, and finally, as a hanging garment bag for your clean clothes.

You can get the official Situation GTL Green Garmento for $11.99 over at and, amusingly enough, will also soon be available in gyms and tanning salons all over the country.