Green goods, tips, news, and more

Simple green living tips

Today, we’re featuring a guest post written by Krista Peterson, a graduate from the University of Central Florida and a writer with a strong interest in the green movement.

Let’s be honest. Putting food on the table and keeping your home from falling apart can be hard work. Even vacation planning can be stressful. Now, add green living to the mix, and you’ve got more to worry about than you bargained for.  Though it’s not always easy, feeding your family healthy foods, keeping your home hazard free, planning that well-deserved vacation, and doing it all green, is worth it in the long run.

Your Food

What you put into your body plays a large part in your overall health. Foods that have been intensively farmed contain less nutrients, minerals, and vitamins than food grown organically. In addition to receiving the maximum amount of nutritional value in your food, organic grown produce is not treated with pesticides. Pesticides increase the risk of cancer, obesity, and Alzheimer’s disease and may be responsible for some birth defects.  If you’re trying to stay healthy, you’re doing the right thing by increasing your daily intake of fruits and veggies. However, if the “healthy” food you’re eating and feeding to your family has been contaminated with pesticides, you may want to rethink just how good for you it really is.

Your Home

Your home should be a safe haven for you, your family, and your pets. A good strategy for going green and conserving energy in your home is repairing or replacing your insulation. Insulation keeps your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. If insulation is old or faulty, your energy costs are increased and your energy conservation plummets.

Replacing or repairing your insulation may bring you face to face with an even bigger problem. In older homes, especially houses built before 1975, builders used a mineral called asbestos in insulation and drywall. Asbestos was used for its fire-resistant qualities and when left intact, is completely harmless. But when disturbed, say by everyday household accidents, asbestos fibers are released into the air and inhaled, causing a cancer of the lungs and stomach. Mesothelioma symptoms include shortness of breath and chest heaviness. To avoid mesothelioma, look into the state of your insulation. Having professionals investigate and replace your insulation can save energy and lives.

Your Vacation

Today, vacations tend to be in extravagant hotel settings. Though those sorts of vacations can be relaxing (after all the planning), they aren’t necessarily good for the environment.  Millions of dollars and tons of energy are wasted by large hotels and vacation attractions. Instead, consider a green vacation. Beach or forest camping not only saves money, but allows a family environment that fosters bonding, relaxation, and education.  Peeling your children away from their technological fixes may be a feat, but allowing them to witness and appreciate what nature has to offer may be worth it.

So, the next time you think about your family’s diet, think green, and think organic. Pesticide free food ensures the health of your family. And if you’re hoping to save on money and energy waste, think about a change in insulation and remember that keeping your eyes open for asbestos products is much less stressful than watching out for mesothelioma symptoms. And finally, when you’re ready for a break from it all, think about a totally green vacation. After all, you deserve it.