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Play the Green Economy Board Game

Games, whether they be computer or board games, that present an alternative way to live and work are always interesting. We all know how other games are based on using up resources to support an undertaking. I’m put in mind of Starcraft where you pump a source of vespene gas which eventually runs out and gather minerals from a mineral field which is eventually depleted, or Dune where you harvest spice, but which utilizes wind energy to power your operations.

The Green Economy Board Game presents something a little different. Created by Scott Cooney, author of Build a Green Small Business (McGraw-Hill), and founder of, the board game is based on the sustainable economic development of the state of Hawaii, which needs a little help in order for it to achieve energy independence and be less reliant on imports for food. The game involves you playing as an investor who pours money into green businesses, helping chart the state’s economic progress as well as generate green jobs.

Click here to buy your own copy of the board game.