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Ikea to give away cardboard cameras

Ikea's cardboard cameraIt’s always interesting when companies develop ordinary products using non-traditional materials–just look at the BamBike. We even applaud when companies are using recycled plastic in their products. So imagine how much more intrigued we could all get upon hearing that Ikea is coming out with a cardboard camera. The camera is called Knappa and features an cardboard outer casing, USB drive, lens, a circuit board, two plastic screws, and two AA batteries. The camera itself is recyclable.

Because the cardboard camera is being given away as part of Ikea’s promotion for its PS 2012 furniture line, the camera is not for sale. Additionally, one should not expect the camera to perform as well as whatever digital camera you own; read more details at Sustainablog. Nevertheless, we don’t deny that this camera is certainly a novelty–how many times can you say that you’ve seen or touched a cardboard camera after all?