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The Roundhouse in Wales

Tony Wrench and Jane Faith are living lives that many of us won’t be able to survive, but which a number of us most likely dream about. For starters, they don’t own a car, and they earn a living from their music and their homemade crafts. And of course, they live in the house shown in the picture above.

The house is called The Roundhouse and is located in Brithir Mawr, Wales. The house is made with wood frame, cobwood, recycled window walls, and a straw-insulated turf roof, and is powered by solar panels on the roof and by a wind turbine located 70 yards away. They have to be pretty careful about using power during winter, however, because, for example, using a laptop too much uses up a lot of electricity and when that happens, the house has to go without power for a while. The house is fitted with a compost toilet. A woodstove is used to generate heat and the owners get their water from a well.