Green goods, tips, news, and more

Year: 2017

  • Baltimore’s Mr. Trash Wheel is keeping the river clean

    A curious contraption has been keeping the river in Baltimore clean since 2014. Dubbed “Mr. Trash Wheel,” the machine is found in the city’s Inner Harbor, and it works just like a water wheel, using the current of the river to move and pick up trash from the water. The trash is then placed in…

  • Clean the World gives leftover hotel soap a new life

    If you’ve ever wondered what happens to the soap that you didn’t fully use up and left behind in your hotel bathroom, you’re not alone. The same issue crossed the mind of Shawn Seipler, so while staying at a hotel, he decided to ask about the fate of leftover soap bars in hotel bathrooms and…

  • Tomato skins and eggshells can be used to make tires, researchers find

    Food waste is a major problem throughout the world, and people need to keep coming up with ways to reduce it or use it. At the same time, petroleum use continues to grow and keeps people dependent on foreign sources of oil. Fortunately, Dr. Katrina Cornish, an Ohio Research Scholar and Endowed Chair in Biomaterials…

  • An eco-friendly surfboard made out of lemongrass is being developed

    Surfboard manufacturers these days are trying to find ways to make surfboard more eco-friendly. One of the latest efforts is made by Gold Coast farmer Meg McDougall, who is developing surfboards made from lemongrass. She has been growing lemongrass for the past five years at Rocky Point, north of the Gold Coast, and has been…

  • Anne Hathaway goes vintage on the press tour for “Colossal”

    Emma Watson put the spotlight on eco-friendly fashion labels while she was on the road promoting Beauty and the Beast. Now, Anne Hathaway is donning vintage pieces as she goes on tour to promote Colossal. And for the @sheiscolossal party last night @annehathaway is wearing a vintage @oscardelarenta dress circa 1970 from @thekitvintage with a…

  • Mango releases its eco-friendly “Committed” collection

    High-street brand Mango is coming out with a fashion collection featuring clothes made with sustainable materials, such as organic cottons, Tencel, recycled polyester, and recycled cotton, and they’re dyed with environmentally friendly inks. The collection is for both men and women, and the clothes are manufactured in Portugal, Turkey and Morocco.

  • The “What the Health” documentary will make you rethink food and the way you eat

    Nothing beats a good food documentary to make you want to change your diet. Watching “What the Health” on Saturday night was very eye-opening and thought-provoking. Probably not a good idea to watch it while eating dinner though. “What the Health” was directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, and produced by AUM Films and…

  • Clean with pHur

    Have you heard of pHur, an organic cleaning disinfecting agent? Water + Salt + Science became pHur’s magic formula. And thanks to painstaking, multi-year testing, it was registered as a proven disinfectant with the EPA on both Federal and State levels. It is already making a difference in the healthcare industry, replacing multiple toxic products…

  • Electric jetski lets you ride through more waterways

    While relatively small and convenient, jetskis aren’t always allowed on all waterways because some areas forbid water vehicles that use a gas-powered internal combustion engine. The Gratis X1 by Free Form Factory just might change things, though. The electric jetski is emission-free and does not make any noise, and the body itself is made from…

  • Want to own an eco-friendly guesthouse in Ecuador?

    Doug and Rebecca Greenshields began traveling in South America in 2005, and, thanks to the rich culture and the pace of life, found a new place they could call home: a half-finished construction a mile and a half away from Baños, Ecuador. This was where they raised their two kids and got started on a…