Green goods, tips, news, and more

Author: The GU team

  • Slovenian biologist embarks on a green flight

    Matevz Lenarcic, a Slovenian biologist and environmentalist, has a pretty interesting project this year: fly around the world in the lightest plane while using up the least amount of fuel. His aircraft, a Virus-SW914, weighs only 640 lbs. While he’s up in the air, the plane will record levels of black carbon, and Lenarcic will…

  • Good, wholesome products for your pups

    If you’re trying to make a switch to organic products, there’s no reason why you should leave your dog out of your efforts. The Welcome Mutt gives you a chance to shop for healthful, eco-friendly products for your dog. Organic treats are available here, as well as biodegradable poop bags, organic toys and shampoos, and…

  • Eco-fashion predictions for 2012

    Happy new year, everybody! With 2012 just getting started, you can expect that people are weighing in on what will be fresh, hot, and new for the year. Even the eco-fashion world is coming out with its own predictions for the year. Ecouterre has all the details in its feature entitled “22 Eco-Fashion Predictions for…

  • Livia Firth teams up with Yooxygen

    Colin and Livia Firth have long been known to be advocates for the environment, and Livia, who is known for wearing some amazing upcycled outfits on the red carpet, is taking yet another green step by working on a clothing line with Yooxygen. The brand is known for collaborating with designers and other brands, and…

  • Hilary Duff goes for a green nursery

    Actress Hilary Duff, who I still can’t believe is pregnant, is getting the baby’s room ready, and it’s going to be an eco-friendly room. Well, it won’t be extremely green, but it’s going to be safer than most. At an interview during a cancer charity gala she attended, Hilary said the nursery was going to…

  • Matt Damon launches eco-friendly water bottle

    Water’s a major issue for Matt Damon, which was why he created the non-profit company two years ago. teamed up with CamelBak recently to launch a limited-edition BPA-free water bottle, which comes in stainless steel and plastic. Ten dollars from the sale of every bottle will go towards supporting’s efforts to bring…

  • Faeries Dance offers eco-friendly plus-size fashion

    At last, there are now some eco-friendly clothes available for plus-sized people, and we think it’s about time this came out. Most eco-friendly clothes are usually designed for and modeled by slim people, so this is definitely a refreshing change–it’s not only the skinny who are capable of having eco-friendly lifestyles after all. Eco-fashion boutique…

  • Win a gift basket from The Kind Life

    Actress Alicia Silverstone has been a long-time vegan and green living advocate, and she’s been pretty active in spreading the word about making positive choices for your health and for the planet. Her website, The Kind Life, is an online extension of her book, The Kind Diet, and has been a good resource for people…

  • Play the Green Economy Board Game

    Games, whether they be computer or board games, that present an alternative way to live and work are always interesting. We all know how other games are based on using up resources to support an undertaking. I’m put in mind of Starcraft where you pump a source of vespene gas which eventually runs out and…

  • Flip & Tumble

    It’s easy enough to get reusable shopping bags these days, since we now have a lot of choices available to us these days. What tends to be rather difficult (although it’s really not a huge problem) is remembering to bring our reusable bags when we go to the supermarket. How many times have you gone…