Author: The GU team
The Naupad
There are always a lot of accessories that come out for practically every Apple product released, and some of them can be pretty brilliant too, like this case for the iPad, called the Nau iPad Stash ($75). It’s made from 100% recycled wool felt, and has enough compartments to suit your needs while still keeping…
Green nail polish at last
And you might have guessed that in this case, green means eco-friendly. As someone who loves nail polish, I’ve been wondering if nail polish could ever be green, and it looks like there really are companies thinking in this direction, like Ginger + Liz Colour Collection™. Established by model/author S. Liz Pickett and entrepreneur H….
Clean Plates
New York City is famous for its restaurants and fine cuisine. Clean Plates is your guide to healthy and sustainable eating in the Big Apple. Whether you are a vegan, raw foodist, localvore, or carnivore, it is a must-have dining companion.
The Situation teams up with The Green Garmento
I confess to an incredible fascination for Jersey Shore (because of this, if they were sitting beside me right now, my sisters would probably be inching away from me and pretending they don’t know me), which is why I know about the guido way of life: GTL, or Gym, Tan, and Laundry. The show has…
A year in trash
How much non-biodegradable trash do you accumulate in a year? That’s what Brennan Bird sought to discover when he made a resolution to save all the non-biodegradable waste he accumulated in 2010, which he will use for building projects. The result: He now has 188 pounds of trash to work with. (From Tiny Green Bubble)
The power is yours!
Wise words, Captain Planet. If any of you remember this entertaining 90s cartoon series, you might be pleased to know that season one is finally, finally coming out on DVD on April 19! And Captain Planet himself would approve of the set’s packaging, which is made from 100% recycled paper.
Bright Bin
People want to eat good, healthful food nowadays, food that’s organic, cruelty-free, and free of any chemicals and dubious substances. But that’s not all you need to think about; you should also pay careful attention to the containers that hold your food. If you’ve got kids, you might want to think about an alternative to…
Incandescent lights are no more at IKEA
Well this is pretty big news: IKEA is no longer selling incandescent light bulbs, as the company promised in August 2010. This is a huge step, leaping way ahead of the 2012-2014 deadline set by The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 for the phase-out of the energy-sucking bulbs. “IKEA is committed to integrating…
Green heating issues
A family living in a home in Jerome Way, in the village of Shipton-on-Cherwell in England had their heating system switched to a green one three years ago, when the community made the change to ground source heating. Today, however, they’re complaining that their house is just not getting warm enough. Mr Chennells said: “Every…
On having a green wedding
Vanessa over at Green As A Thistle posted this question, well, months ago in October, really: “How important do you think it is to make an eco-friendly statement on your big day? Does it matter if nobody notices?” My take on it? It doesn’t matter if people don’t notice that everything about your wedding is…