Green goods, tips, news, and more

Author: The GU team

  • Win a trip to Sri Lanka with Zhena’s Gypsy Tea!

    Are you a frequent customer at Tully’s Coffee and do you love the many flavors offered by Zhena’s Gypsy Tea? Well, they’re eager to give you a great big thank you by giving you a chance to win a trip to Sri Lanka from January 7 to 14, 2011, where you can explore some wonderful…

  • B&B London Organic

    We just love B&Bs here at Green Unlimited, so every now and then, we’ll be posting about some eco-friendly B&Bs around the U.S. and around the world as well. If you know of a great B&B you think we should know about or you own an eco-friendly B&B, we would love it if you could…

  • Zhena’s Tea

    Tea is terrific, tasty, tantalizing–think of all the warm, pleasant adjectives you can think of and you’re describing a nice big mug of hot, soothing tea. It’s a soothing drink that has quite a lot of interesting health benefits, and in the case of Zhena Muzyka, it helped save the life of her son. Ten…

  • Two-in-one urinal

    Guys already seem to pop into the men’s room and be back out again in what seems to be no time at all. And this urinal-sink combo seems to be making it even faster for them to do their business. But apart from speeding up the process, this has something green going for it too….

  • List of least eco-friendly phones list released by O2

    O2 has come out with an eco rating system for various mobile phones, ranking them from the most to the least eco-friendly. The system takes note of the phone’s energy consumption, packaging, and how the mobile phone manufacturers work to better their local community. Topping the list of the least eco-friendly phones are LG Etna…

  • Mission Savvy

    Here at Green Unlimited, we love it when people strike out on their own and find ways to spread the word about the environment. Jennifer Miller was an animal behaviorist who constantly sought ways to change the world and stumbled upon the idea of setting up a clothing shop to educate people about the environment…


    Splitfish has released the FRAGFX Shark controller for the Playstation 3, which is said to be a pretty eco-friendly gaming tool, and is also compatible with both PC and Mac systems. What makes it green? Its power conserving technology; you only use 1 AA battery per unit and that alone can give you 50 hours…

  • The Green Chamber of Commerce launches second chapter

    The Green Chamber of Commerce, a network of businesses dedicated to sustainable business practices and focusing on pushing for greater public policy with regards to the environment, launched in 2007, with its first chapter located in the San Francisco Bay Area. This August, the Chamber is beginning its expansion, with the second chapter based in…

  • Oceanopolis

    Anybody here addicted to Facebook? Raise your hand *raises my hand* Rather than loving the site because it gives me the opportunity to stay in touch with people and see what they’ve been up to, I keep coming back to it because of the games; I’m particularly addicted to Mafia Wars and Restaurant City, and…

  • Wii games now come in eco-friendly cases

    So Nintendo is reportedly making the switch to more eco-friendly cases for their Wii games, though I have yet to find out how it’s greener than the original packaging. It’s not winning over a lot of gamers, though, because apparently, it’s a lot flimsier than the original case, and makes the disc more prone to…