Green goods, tips, news, and more

Author: The GU team

  • I heart Human ♥ Nature (part 3)

    After that interview, I practically went crazy over Human Nature’s products, buying lip balm, hand soap, hand gel, hair conditioner, lotion, and a hand and foot salve; I went back to their office two more times to purchase more products. As a result, I now have nearly zero interest in purchasing any other types of…

  • Mobile phone news

    Oberthur Technologies introduces an eco-friendly SIM card, made of 50 percent less plastics and using up 8g of carbon dioxide–down from the original 16g–to produce. Why is it that luxury is always synonymous with wastefulness and cruelty? Just look at leather and fur. Anyway, luxury brand Belleperre has recently come out with phones made with…

  • I heart Human ♥ Nature (part 2)

    Faced with the lack of options in the Philippines, Anna and Camille just thought, “What if we just come up with our own products?” The concept took a lot of work and research, but they were determined nonetheless. What Anna really envisioned for Human Nature is to make it an eco-friendly brand that is affordable…

  • I heart Human ♥ Nature (part 1)

    My sisters have been testing products like crazy, and have instant access to health stores where they can purchase organic goods and eco-friendly beauty products and household cleaning supplies. They’ve successfully made the switch to eco-friendly products, and me? Pfft. I know I’m not alone in wanting to see more green and organic products here,…

  • Pave a new, green career path

    The advent of environmental awareness and new developments in helping people and companies go green has given rise to a lot of new kinds of jobs opening up specifically targeting the green sector. If you’re looking to make a career change, you’re in luck: There are lots of jobs available and because it’s a whole…

  • Look! Up in the sky! It’s a…plastic bag!

    In China, as in everywhere else, plastic bags cause quite a lot of headache, especially when they’re not being disposed of properly. But 71-year-old Han Fushan has found a different use for them, turning used plastic bags into kites. Each kite takes up to two days to complete and only 15 cents to make, with…

  • Green ski home for “South Park” creators

    I’m a big fan of “South Park” and Trey Parker and Matt Stone, but I’ve never really pegged the two guys as being environment advocates, but apparently they are. They have a ski home in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, with ceilings made of Douglas fir timbers that came from a rail trestle along the Great Salt…

  • Print green with HP’s new printers

    The HP LaserJet P2055 dn and LaserJet P2055 n were unveiled to the world two days ago. How green are these monochrome printers? Apparently, they offer 50% energy savings compared to other printers and support automatic duplexing, helping you save paper.

  • Green footwear in 12th Street Shoes

    Haven’t you ever wished that more shoe stores would offer greener footwear? It turns out that if enough people clamor for them, it will happen. Eco-friendly footwear has sprouted up in 12th Street Shoes, located in the district of Fairhaven, Bellingham, Washington. The store now carries product lines such as Groundhog; RocknSocks, makers of socks…

  • How about a trip to Tennessee’s Montgomery Bell State Park?

    I ran into this link about eight new eco-friendly villas in Tennessee’s Montgomery Bell State Park and showed my sister. We immediately agreed that we had no interest in going to rural Tennessee, but changed our minds when we saw what the villas look like. Does that look like a villa for a state park…