Green goods, tips, news, and more

Author: The GU team

  • Uitto Boards: waterproof, eco-friendly skateboards

    Are you a skateboarder and keen on living a greener life? Your board can be just as green as the way you want to live with Uitto Boards. The company takes pride in its biocomposite skateboards that are recyclable and waterproof, and according to their Indiegogo page, “the wood fibers are sourced sustainably from nordic…

  • Throw & Grow Confetti is a meaningful addition to your party

    Throw & Grow Confetti is a meaningful addition to your party

    Parties, especially surprise parties, aren’t complete without confetti as they make everything look really festive. They’re definitely cute addons, but they’re not exactly the most eco-friendly items–just imagine all that glitter and paper that you won’t be able to use again, unless you’re the sort who’s really careful about sweeping them up and getting them…

  • Support Thoughtful Threadz

    Thoughtful Threadz, the brainchild of Nicole Lynn Jones, is expanding its debut collection with the InnovaTees line, which will feature more categories and the works of more artists. The brand prides itself on offering “causal clothing”, which means that it …would have a positive impact on society, encourage intelligent discourse, promote open-mindedness, allow for different…

  • Support verrrde, an eco-friendly affordable clothing boutique project.

    Spotted on Indiegogo: a fundraising project for Michelline Fedele, the woman behind verrrde, is looking to establish a clothing story that carries eco-friendly, but affordable clothing, and she needs some extra help to ensure that every item is indeed eco-friendly and costs under $100. She says on verrrde’s Indiegogo campaign page: With your generous…

  • Organic rice by Malasimbu Agricultural Cooperative

    I really like how some things are changing here in the Philippines. Last year, more cities have implemented a ban on plastic bags, charging P2 for every plastic bag, switching to paper bags, and encouraging people to bring reusable bags. It took some time to get used to, but more people are bringing reusable bags…

  • Goats to mow the lawn at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport

    Okay, so the happy, smiling goat in this picture will not be among those who will be working at O’Hare. But I’ll take any excuse to post this picture. Anyway, O’Hare Airport is taking on some unique employees: a herd of 25 goats and a goat herder who will keep the goats in line. The…

  • Allure Wool: A better alternative to dryer sheets

    Dryer sheets are handy, useful little things, but nobody can pretend that they’re eco-friendly. For one thing, you can only use them once, plus they’re packed with chemicals. And let’s face it, drying clothes isn’t the greenest household activity either, but there are ways to dry your clothes in a greener manner. Allure Wool came…

  • The current state of eco-friendly travel in the US

    The whole eco-friendly craze is over…because more and more people have adopted it as an actual way of life rather than as an alternative. Travel is definitely one aspect that should grow increasingly greener. So how is eco-friendly travel doing in the US these days? A Federal Times article entitled “Green of the road: Airlines,…

  • The 100-day shirt

    In April, a project called “Wool&Prince: The Better Button-Down. Guaranteed.” kicked off on Kickstarter. The project, the brainchild of Mac Bishop, promised “A wool shirt worn for 100 days straight. No washing. No dry cleaning. No wrinkles. No odor.” The campaign is supposed to end on May 22, but the money it has earned has…

  • The Deer Watch Inn

    We just love B&Bs here at Green Unlimited, so every now and then, we’ll be posting about some eco-friendly B&Bs around the U.S. and around the world as well. If you know of a great B&B you think we should know about or you own an eco-friendly B&B, we would love it if you could…