Category: Fashion
Ashley Biden launches sustainable, socially conscious clothing line
With many clothing brands opting to produce their apparel in other countries, it’s always refreshing to hear about a US clothing company choosing to make its clothes in the US–and benefit communities at the same time. Ashley Biden, daughter of former Vice President Joe Biden, has launched Livelihood, an apparel company that carries weekend-wear apparel,…
Protect yourself with Bioscarf
Scarves are great for keeping you warm. But what if they did more than that? What if they could protect you from pollution too? Businessman Carlton Solle became sick after a trip to Hebei Province in China as a result of complications caused by air pollution. His doctor advised him to use a mask, but…
Support Thoughtful Threadz
Thoughtful Threadz, the brainchild of Nicole Lynn Jones, is expanding its debut collection with the InnovaTees line, which will feature more categories and the works of more artists. The brand prides itself on offering “causal clothing”, which means that it …would have a positive impact on society, encourage intelligent discourse, promote open-mindedness, allow for different…
Support verrrde, an eco-friendly affordable clothing boutique project.
Spotted on Indiegogo: a fundraising project for Michelline Fedele, the woman behind verrrde, is looking to establish a clothing story that carries eco-friendly, but affordable clothing, and she needs some extra help to ensure that every item is indeed eco-friendly and costs under $100. She says on verrrde’s Indiegogo campaign page: With your generous…
The 100-day shirt
In April, a project called “Wool&Prince: The Better Button-Down. Guaranteed.” kicked off on Kickstarter. The project, the brainchild of Mac Bishop, promised “A wool shirt worn for 100 days straight. No washing. No dry cleaning. No wrinkles. No odor.” The campaign is supposed to end on May 22, but the money it has earned has…
H&M unveils its collection of eco-friendly dresses
H&M has come out with its collection of eco-friendly gowns and dresses. The line is called the Exclusive Glamour Collection, and features dresses made of hemp, organic cotton, and recycled polyester. It’s definitely a great way to take the concept of eco-friendly fashion even further, showing all of us that it’s not only shirts, tops,…
Eco-fashion predictions for 2012
Happy new year, everybody! With 2012 just getting started, you can expect that people are weighing in on what will be fresh, hot, and new for the year. Even the eco-fashion world is coming out with its own predictions for the year. Ecouterre has all the details in its feature entitled “22 Eco-Fashion Predictions for…
Livia Firth teams up with Yooxygen
Colin and Livia Firth have long been known to be advocates for the environment, and Livia, who is known for wearing some amazing upcycled outfits on the red carpet, is taking yet another green step by working on a clothing line with Yooxygen. The brand is known for collaborating with designers and other brands, and…
Faeries Dance offers eco-friendly plus-size fashion
At last, there are now some eco-friendly clothes available for plus-sized people, and we think it’s about time this came out. Most eco-friendly clothes are usually designed for and modeled by slim people, so this is definitely a refreshing change–it’s not only the skinny who are capable of having eco-friendly lifestyles after all. Eco-fashion boutique…
Green fashions at D.C. Fashion Week
Not everyone is aware that Washington, D.C. has its own Fashion Week and that it’s currently ongoing. September 19 was the date of the event’s eco-fashion show, but today, people can also get a chance to see another eco-fashion show, “Fashion to Fight Childhood Cancer“, which will take place from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m….