Green goods, tips, news, and more

Category: Green places

  • 5 eco-friendly luggage brands to consider for your next trip

    5 eco-friendly luggage brands to consider for your next trip

    Traveling is a lot of fun, but it also uses up a lot of resources, and we don’t just mean financially. We all know about how much carbon emissions come from transportation, and then there’s the water, power, etc. consumed in your accommodations. Traveling might never truly become 100% sustainable, but as consumers, we can…

  • Saorsa 1875, Scotland’s first vegan hotel, is now open

    Saorsa 1875, Scotland’s first vegan hotel, is now open

    Make that the UK’s first 100% vegan hotel. Saorsa 1875, the project of co-founders Jack McLaren-Stewart and his mother Sandra McLaren-Stewart, officially opened on June 15. This boutique hotel in the Scottish Highlands breathes new life into a Victorian gothic baronial house built in 1875 and promises a luxurious stay within its stylish 11 rooms…

  • Farm fun at Costales Nature Farms

    Here’s an endeavor that I’m throwing my full support behind: organic and sustainable farming at Costales Nature Farms! The Philippines with its more than 7,000 islands is best known for its gorgeous beaches. How many people go there to visit a farm? Not many, I suppose. But I read about Costales Nature Farms and it…

  • Detroit Zoo unveils its new parking lot

    “How could a parking lot be green?” some of you might be asking. In quite a few ways, if you do it like the Detroit Zoo did it. The zoo recently opened up a permeable pavement parking lot off of Woodward Avenue in Royal Oak, close to the Polk Penguin Center. With 215 parking spaces,…

  • The current state of eco-friendly travel in the US

    The whole eco-friendly craze is over…because more and more people have adopted it as an actual way of life rather than as an alternative. Travel is definitely one aspect that should grow increasingly greener. So how is eco-friendly travel doing in the US these days? A Federal Times article entitled “Green of the road: Airlines,…

  • The Deer Watch Inn

    We just love B&Bs here at Green Unlimited, so every now and then, we’ll be posting about some eco-friendly B&Bs around the U.S. and around the world as well. If you know of a great B&B you think we should know about or you own an eco-friendly B&B, we would love it if you could…

  • Thyme in the Country

    We just love B&Bs here at Green Unlimited, so every now and then, we’ll be posting about some eco-friendly B&Bs around the U.S. and around the world as well. If you know of a great B&B you think we should know about or you own an eco-friendly B&B, we would love it if you could…

  • Cottage Lodge in England

    We just love B&Bs here at Green Unlimited, so every now and then, we’ll be posting about some eco-friendly B&Bs around the U.S. and around the world as well. If you know of a great B&B you think we should know about or you own an eco-friendly B&B, we would love it if you could…

  • Green things spotted on our Massachusetts holiday

    So this post is severely late, because my sister Lani and I were in Massachusetts for a quick holiday in October last year. Still, I figured any green news is good to hear. We hung around the Berkshires on our trip, spending a day at the Kripalu Center where we went on a two-hour hike…

  • A restaurant powered by urine?

    Okay, that doesn’t sound like the most appetizing thought, since nobody wants bodily fluids going anywhere near food. It all makes sense, however, when you figure out how it works. The Greenhouse project, designed by Joost Bakker, is an example of how a restaurant can become waste-free. Aside from using eco-friendly and recycled materials for…